Backpacking The Enchantments
Guest blogger: Stacy, Marketing Director for Staheekum
The Enchantments is a beautiful area in Washington state, nestled in the Cascade Mountain range within the Alpine Lakes wilderness area. Anyone can hike it, but only about 2-4% of applicants win the lottery each year to camp in the region.
Back up to January when I told my bestie we should enter and hike it. I could tell through text I was being mocked, "ok Stacy, sure, I've entered 8 years in a row but you go ahead and try." Well guess who got in and texted back this:
Once the excitement wore off the uh-oh hit me because I didn't own any camping or hiking gear. I began educating myself on what to splurge on and what to skimp on. Made an appointment at REI to get opinions and started getting gear. Following were two hikes with a day pack on, hiking in some snow to test out my boots. Fast forward to Summer Solstice 2022 when we started our adventure. We both quickly realized a day pack was nothing in comparison to an actual backpack! We hiked through beautiful trails, passing roaring streams with recent snow fall melting. Made it up to Colchuk Lake early when no one else was there and it was the most picturesque location imaginable.
That evening I set up my little tent and I was so proud. First time sleeping in my own tent. Felt pretty cool being sleeping under the stars in near isolation. The next morning I had a cup of tea right next to Stuart Lake where we camped. Amazing, right!
It was a wonderful experience and set the bar high for future back packing trips.
My recommendations: Kula Cloth for female hikers and a Staheekum mug.
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